The TurboTax program will handle everything regarding this “last month rule” situation. It will put the income on line 20 of Form 8889 (flowing through to line ...
If you’re checking for the direct-debit transaction in your online account (with your bank), that’s the way to do it. (After your return is accepted, the IRS an...
After you file your return with TurboTax, you get an e-mail saying it was submitted to the IRS. Then you get a second one (the one I’m assuming you were waiting...
Si usted tiene pregunatas especificas, ¡estaremos encantados de responderias aqui en la Comunidad! También hay otras formas de obtener asistencia, dependiendo d...
Unfortunately, with the tax code being as big and complex as it is, difficult ongoing choices have to be made about how much of it a software program can handle...