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intuit turbotax has made poor decisions in the past that have been reversed, because customers would not stand for it. Discontinuing the CD version of turbo tax will not be tolerated by many customers and it will cost turbotax more than they plan on ... read more
ANNUITY ‎Posted a month ago | Latest post Monday by DoninGA
I've read so much that seems conflicting. Here's the scenario:Rental property - owned 35 years, rented the last 30 years.Last year we sold it. However, the last renter (successful 29 years, burned badly last year) pretty much destroyed the place. We ... read more
jeanne17 ‎Posted 2 weeks ago | Latest post a week ago by tagteam
Per IRS Instructions, a not-for-profit rental home that has not had a loss in the past 5 years is considered a "for-profit" rental. However, T Tax asks me to enter the number of days that the home was rented out at fair market value (which is 0) and ... read more
taxed24 ‎Posted 3 weeks ago | Latest post 2 weeks ago by Hal_Al
She's getting her green card with her social security number this coming year. I fall under the California state. I'm not sure if she or I pay her state taxes because she won't work and she's over seas with me because I'm military. On the visa applic... read more
alexz9730 ‎Posted 20m ago
I was a California resident most of my life. However, I sold my possession including house and have not stepped foot in the state in over 5 years. I have, however used my brother's address as my mailing address for all official correspondence such as... read more
SABCCS ‎Posted 51m ago
I think I made a huge mistake joining Amazon Vine! I was sent an invitation from Amazon asking me to join the Vine program because they liked how I write reviews for products I purchased with Amazon. I was told initially that I can order unlimited pr... read more
rosetanner ‎Posted an hour ago
I have the following questions on stepped-up basis and depreciation on Community rental property in California on death of spouse. Both H & W filing MFJ as California Residents.Husband died in March 2023. For 2023 MFJ tax return, how should the survi... read more
Wish2 ‎Posted 5 hours ago
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