I am thinking about accepting a job offer out of state. My family and I
live in Arizona and my wife works in AZ as a teacher. I am considering a
job in New Mexico where I would stay in an apartment and travel home to
AZ as many weekends as I can. She...read more
Dan Oliver‎Posted 2 weeks ago
| Latest post Thursday by
I received the cp2000 in ju.e regarding 2022 taxes. Initially the form
said that I didn't enter all of the 1099's o received. I was able ro
verify they were all entered. On line 5a it shows a total of 52626 On
line 5b the taxable amt was decreased to...read more
1. I have heard that self employed people should keep their personal and
business bank accounts separate. Is that true?2. If I am supposed to
keep personal and business financial accounts separate, how do I manage
my Amazon Chase credit card? I have ...read more
Brutalm00se‎Posted a month ago
| Latest post a month ago by
I completed my original return.I selected Mail option and saved the
pdf.I discovered an error and opened Amend to do a pro forma of the
impact of the error moments later, before mailing my return
obviously.Then at the end of the Amending form I selec...read more
jcra66‎Posted yesterday
| Latest post yesterday by
I file my state taxes with Turbotax. California Franchise Tax board
sends report of state tax refund every year, form 1099-G. The last 4
digits of the TIN is visible. One of the digits is wrong. It happened
last year too and I was hoping it would be ...read more
I am trying to enter the health insurance premium on the self-employed
business section, after I clicked on Continue, it would go back to the
previous screen again. There was no way to enter the premium. It says
"the Premium must be entered to the S-...read more
How do I enter 2 separate 1095-A forms with the SAME
"marketplace-assigned policy number"? TT marks each 1095-A form as "not
done" because the 1095-A forms have the same "marketplace-assigned
policy number."One 1095-A lists only my spouse and premium...read more