The rush is on to get your taxes filed! The extension deadline of
October 15, 2024 (for 2023 Individual Income tax returns) is rapidly
approaching. Maybe you were waiting for important tax information before
you filed. Or maybe you thought of a more
Be prepared and make tax preparation a breeze! Imagine how beneficial
and stress-free it would be to not rush around last minute gathering
your tax info. You can begin by making a list of what's changed since
last year and gather your supporting more
The end of the year is more than just holidays, great food, and family!
It’s also the perfect time to make smart money decisions, take action to
reduce your tax liability and give yourself peace of mind! The following
links are filled with tips and more
Tax Guys- The Question: EVERY YEAR, as a matter of strategy, shouldn't a
person with LTCGs strive to take advantage of the 0% tax on the first
$47,000 of LTCGs taxed at 0%. Given a lot of other situations along with
this question (number and amount more
I have been laid off due to a company-wide reorganization, and as a
result, I will lose my health insurance after February 2025. Currently,
I don’t have any source of income until I find another job, and I’m
unsure when that will happen. I believe more
I only received the last one not the first two. At one point the money
had been deposited to a bank account but after many attempts at
confirming my identity with the bank using birth certificates, pictures
of my ID, and social security card thw more
I know I can install TurboTax on up to 5 computers based on the license
terms. This year I had to reformat my SSD and perform a fresh install of
Windows OS on my laptop twice - and TurboTax 2023 as well. I want to
reinstall TT2023 once again - so more
BK2000Posted Monday
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We've had a short-term rental property the last few years. We've been
able to take the passive losses on it using the "Special Allowance for
Rental Real Estate" on Form 8582. However, we have a carry-over of about
$5000 of disallowed losses (because more
Greetings, My spouse and I filet tases jointly. Spouse is salaried and
has a higher income. This year was my first year as a freelancer and
sole proprietor. Not an LLCI used my social security number on the first
couple of W9s, which came from more
Cr81ppPosted yesterday
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