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If your wireless connection is interrupted or isn't working, you won't be able to successfully update TurboTax for Windows. We recommend using a wired, broadband connection with your TurboTax CD/Download software. If you a wired connection available we recommend that you switch to that.
If downloading updates appears to freeze or stop at 0% or 100%, do not end the downloading process, even if the Task Manager displays "Not Responding." Wait up to 15 minutes before doing anything.
If the Updater closes prematurely while you're
checking for updates (usually with an error message or number), run your
computer's disk cleanup tool to delete unnecessary files and empty the Recycle bin.
Then select Check for Updates in your TurboTax program to resume the update
process where it left off
If you can't update your TurboTax for Windows software using the normal update method, you can download and install a manual update file.
If your wireless connection is interrupted or isn't working, you won't be able to successfully update TurboTax for Windows. We recommend using a wired, broadband connection with your TurboTax CD/Download software. If you a wired connection available we recommend that you switch to that.
If downloading updates appears to freeze or stop at 0% or 100%, do not end the downloading process, even if the Task Manager displays "Not Responding." Wait up to 15 minutes before doing anything.
If the Updater closes prematurely while you're
checking for updates (usually with an error message or number), run your
computer's disk cleanup tool to delete unnecessary files and empty the Recycle bin.
Then select Check for Updates in your TurboTax program to resume the update
process where it left off
If you can't update your TurboTax for Windows software using the normal update method, you can download and install a manual update file.
I found that I needed to open a browser window before starting TurboTax 2018 for Mac as the first program I opened. Without the browser Turbotax seems to pretend to open but then quits. As soon as I opened the browser then TurboTax was able to open and check for updates (which I hope fixed the issue). I am using a wifi connection.
If you are having issues logging into your account you can recover your account. To recover your account, you will need to provide either your phone number(recommended), email address, or User ID. Please refer to the following page to recover your account in TurboTax.
Account Recovery Request for your TurboTax Account
Please contact customer support from within TurboTax for further assistance. You can refer to this page for more instructions.
If you still feel you require additional assistance, you can contact us at (800) 446-8848.
My 2019 TurboTax program will NOT open. I spent hours yesterday completing it. Please help. This was from the disk, not online.
If you are having issues TurboTax not responding after updating, you can use the link provided below for assistance:
Troubleshoot installation and running TurboTax for Windows
Same exact thing happened to me. I spent days, not hours, finishing my return on TurboTax. When it was all done, and I purchased the AuditDefense product it tried to switch back to the program and the program shut down. I have been unable to start it since.
I spent three hours on the phone with TechSupport yesterday and that was completely useless. Try this, try that. Nothing. Then they said, "Oh, if you upgrade your MACBOOK to Catalina it will fix it." I did not want to do this because of incompatibility of Catalina with many programs but in desperation decided to try as it would "fix the problem."
Of course it did not fix the problem. But it created about fifteen new problems for me with programs that are not updated to run 64 bit. THANKS A LOT, TurboTax. You are really pissing me off.
I am about as furious with this company as I can be because they basically gave up yesterday. My 2018 version opens perfectly. The 2019 version will have ICON bounce in the program array at the bottom of the screen then a window starts to open saying it's checking to see if the program is up to day, and then it dies. For some reason if I click on the bouncing ICON on the bottom once or twice then I will get the "updating" window followed by what appears to be the opening screen of the program for about a half second and then it's all gone.
Did I say that I am pissed? WTF, Intuit?
I am having the exact same error. I have spent almost 5+ hours trying to get this resolved with no success. Have you found a solution? I have returns that I am not able to access to print and I need to complete another one without any luck.
I am having the same issue! I have a Mac running the latest version of Catalina. Installed the programs from a disc. Was working just FINE and I was nearly complete with my return after spending a few days on it. All of a sudden, new update with TurboTax and NOTHING. It doesn’t open anymore. I spent 2 hours with tech support trying to trouble shoot it and they could never figure it out. Are you kidding me TurboTax? Fix your program or we will never buy from you again!
Same issue.
finissed taxes on TT using a 5 year old mac. When I bought state e file TT shut down and will not open either my saved return or TT 2019. Bought at costco loaded disk.
Spoke with rep no solution.
said need to down load 2019. did that. then went to have 2018 import information. won't do it.
So have to do taxes over and enter in all information even though I have been using turbo tax on this mac for the last 5 years.
Even if this is not a TT software issue how about warning if using an older mac possibility it will completely fail after you have completed your taxes, ran checks but does not let you file. Really sucks.
In the future, be sure to check the system requirements for TurboTax CD/Download products. Here are the minimum system requirements for a Mac: Minimum system requirements for TurboTax Mac softw ...
Excuse me "specialist", but please get your head out of the sand and listen to what we're saying. The 2019 turbotax was initially WORKING JUST FINE ON OUR MACS. I spent DAYS on my return and was nearly finished. Then, your bright technicians issued some random update and now turbotax no longer works! I've been on the phone for hours with your customer service, going through every single step of the troubleshooting, and it STILL DOESN'T WORK. So please don't insult us by insinuating we didn't check the minimum requirements on our mac before buying the desktop version. FIX THE ISSUE OR GIVE ME A REFUND. I will NEVER be using turbotax again, thank you.
I am experiencing similar problems with a new Mac desktop running the latest version of MacOS Catalina (10.15.3). Anytime I try to print my California return TurboTax hangs and becomes "not responding". Need to do a "Force Quit" to kill TurboTax. Have isolated the problem to printing certain California forms (CA Form CA, CA Form 3514, and CA Form 5805). Other CA forms print fine (e.g., CA Form 540). This is not acceptable.
TurboTax software engineers need to fix these problems with their Mac support.
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