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Please clarify your question.
Unfortunately, we can't see your tax return to evaluate your problem.
Please give any details that can help us guide you.
Can' enter data into SSA1099 for 2024. When clicking the update icon for SSA1099 the program goes back to original screen.
It is stuck in a loop. I am using two different computers for turbotax. Others have posted the same problem. The SSA1099 file is corrupt!!!
Please fix it!!
I suggest you delete that one form and re-enter it.
On the menu bar in the Sidebar on the left.
Then re-enter you document
That is not the solution to the SSA1099 problem. This is a clean install of TurboTax on two
computers and updated by turboTax. It should work without taking extra steps to enter data.
There are other user experiencing the same issue. This issue makes me wonder how accurate
turbotax is computing my tax return.
Please clarify which version of TurboTax you are using: Online or Desktop? Windows or Mac? If Online, which browser?
I am using TurboTax Premier desktop vs in windows 10. TurboTax did an update today but
problem still persists. When clicking update form SSA1099 the page turns and returns to
the same screen. Stuck in a loop!!! I am able to enter data by going into back door of program. But I should not have to. Please fix corrected SSA1099 file.
Since you're still having issues, we can take a look at your return so we can see exactly what you see and help come to a resolution. The return will be scrubbed and will not include any of your personal details.
Once you've got your tax return open,
- click Online in the top menu bar
- Choose Send Tax File to Agent
- Log in to your Intuit Account (if you're not already)
- you'll see a message explaining that you will be providing a diagnostic copy of your return - your personal details will be changed so we will not be able to see any private information
- click send and you'll get another message with a token
Reply to this message with your token and we'll take a look to see what we can find. Please also let us know what state is included with your return.
Sent my tax return to TurboTax on 02/06/25 about form ssa1099 being corrupt. Have not received any feedback yet. Hope they can fix the problem.
02/11/25 Still no reply on corrupt SSA1099 file. The only communication I received is
badge upgrade!!! Next year I will try H&R Block.
Yeah, a strange bug.
For the desktop software, I think this was traced to a "Supporting Details" (SD) worksheet, located in last year's Social Security form, that transferred into this year's forms.
The solution some found, was to either
1) delete the entire SS worksheet in Forms Mode, then go back to the interview to enter the data.
or maybe
2) Open your SS Benefits worksheet in Forms Mode, and start entering your data directly on the form.
......not sure about whether #1 works, but for #2, when you get to the box that has the SD worksheet in it, that SD sheet will pop up, and you can enter your value...or, better yet, delete the SD worksheet all together....then the normal interview way to enter stuff should return, as long as there are no Other SD worksheets in that background form (if the interview still skips over, there may be another SD worksheet in the Forms Mode form.)
Did you post your Token Number in a response here as requested?
'Reply to this message with your token and we'll take a look to see what we can find. Please also let us know what state is included with your return'
No I don/t have a copy of the token #. The number is a mile long and I ran out of ink trying to
write it down! To duplicate the SSA1099 problem all Turbotax experts have to do is load a clean Premier desktop vs with imported 2023 SSA1099 data and you find by clicking on 2024 SSA1099
update you will be put in a loop!!!
I transferred a 2023 return with an SSA-1099 without any issues. Can you delete the SSA-1099 that transferred, and then re-enter it?
Or try to start a new return and transfer in the 2023 return again?
@Fixit10 You can send the sanitized file again. You can post a screenshot of the token # so you don’t need to write it down.
And Try the solutions in this post started 12/30/24
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