Please follow the steps below exactly to have the discount applied before you complete payment, also make sure to redeem the promotional offer during the valid period:
- Log out of TurboTax.
- Go to the promotional email in your email inbox
- Click on the Sign In link in the email. Important: you MUST click on the link in the email in order to get the Federal Fee discount of 50%.
Sign in to the account that the email link provided
- If you never started your return choose a TurboTax product that is right for you. Make sure not to navigate anywhere else then choose a product to continue. If you do you will lose the offer, please repeat steps 1 - 4 to reset the offer code.
- If you are returning to finish your return click "Take me to my Return". Make sure not to navigate anywhere else, please only click "Take Me to My Return." If you navigate away from "Take Me to My Return" you will lose the offer. Please follow steps 1 - 4 if you navigate away from "Take me to my Return."
- Once in your return click the File tab.
- Click Start to review your order.
- The discount will be applied to the federal portion of your return, the old price will be slashed out and the new one will be presented.
Complete the payment in TurboTax and file by the promotional date requirement.
If these steps don't work contact customer support before you complete your payment. Please see contact information below (expand the edition you are using for a telephone number):
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