On the Carryovers to 2024 Smart Worksheet here is what is on the screen:
G. Schedule E suspended Loss -32049Disallowed Passive Losses: Before
2018 25,505 2020 J Operating Loss -3055 2022 S Operating Loss -22450
2023 S Operating Loss - 32049 <- this i...read more
I have triple checked the address on my Intuit profile. The address is
correct and there is no reference to if my address is an apartment or if
I own. Since I am unable to find how to remove this "A" from this field
during their smart check" I am for...read more
We have a home that we purchased and resided in, while on active duty
orders, using a VA-financed loan. The funding fee was rolled into the
loan amount, so my mortgage paperwork includes that in the loan amount.
We also refinanced several years ago, ...read more
Should I fill this as 1099-B and state that I dont have 1099-B with
IRSDo I need to mail the mutual fund statement to IRSAlso dont have the
cost basis as they were monthly investments for few years, and were sold
together in 2 days
My husband was granted NSO stocks before his company went public and
when the company went public our shares were converted and we decided to
sell some last year. Since I was new to company stock, I did not know
about the Stock Plan Transactions Supp...read more
I use one management company to manage two rental properties. They send
me one 1099 every year showing the total income from both properties,
but TT asks me which property the income is from. Why don't they just
let me put in the total amount from th...read more
The 1099B was imported through Etrade (Morgan Stanley). This year I sold
40 or 50 call options, but for 2025 I expect to have 400 to 500
transactions and it will become a much larger problem.
I have rented out a condo unit for a number of years. Each year I have
declared passive income received from the rents against applicable
rental expenses – including depreciation of about $9,000 each year. My
tenant moved out of the unit at the end o...read more
laddielgPosted yesterday
| Latest post yesterday by
What happened to the old way of entering 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, and so onI
have TT Deluxe Fed + E file & State. I want to start entering dividends.
I clicked on Update on the dividends line but instead of getting a list
of the institutions like in previ...read more
ckc19Posted Monday
| Latest post yesterday by