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Reimbursed expenses are payment you received from someone else to cover the cost of an expense you incurred.
Reimbursed expenses, can include things like:
- If you buy items for work, like uniforms that your employer then gives you the money you spent on the item.
- If you are a volunteer, and you have expenses for travel, and the organization would reimburse you, then that would be a reimbursed expense.
- If you have medical expenses that you paid out of pocket and the insurance company pays you back for them, that would be another example of reimbursed expenses.
- If you are self-employed and a client would reimburse you for certain expenses they may be handled differently than if they were not reimbursed.
If you are reimbursed for a deductible expense, you need to deduct the amount you received from the amount you are claiming.
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