don't know what your cpa did but he might habe just listed totals. and efiled then submitted your 1099-B by mail using form 8453. you can do the same.
the last box on the form needs to be checked.
If you are filing your tax return using an online provider (IE TT),
mail Form 8453 to the IRS within 3 business days after
you have received acknowledgement from your
intermediate service provider and/or transmitter that the
IRS has accepted your electronically filed tax return. If
you don’t receive an acknowledgement, you must contact
your intermediate service provider and/or transmitter.
Mail Form 8453 to:
Internal Revenue Service
Attn: Shipping and Receiving, 0254
Receipt and Control Branch
Austin, TX 73344-0254
i would think online Premier would allow you to import your 1099-B so as to avoid have to enter anything and avoiing the need to mail in the forms. if you do import check for accuracy.