If you owe State Taxes, you do not pay them to the IRS, you pay them to your State. Please click here and choose your particular State for information on where to pay your State Taxes: State Tax Department Contact Info.
The information regarding what you owe to your state and where you should pay it can also be found on your TurboTax Electronic Filing Instructions page for your State (It will print right before the first page of your State return).
If you did not print the instruction sheet, please follow these steps to print or view it:
- Sign back into your TurboTax online account
- Scroll down and click "Add a State" (This is just a way to get you back into your tax return)
- Next select "Tax Tools" (left column) and then "Print Center"
- Select "Print, save, or preview this year's return"
- Check the boxes for your Federal and State returns (this will open further options)
- Choose to include the government and TurboTax worksheets
- Then click "View or Print Forms".
Please comment below if you have additional questions regarding this issue so that I can assist you further.