Trying to add the state of Wyoming while filling out information about 1099-R, In select choices Wyoming does not come up as a choice. It stops at Wisconcin? in State tax filing
What does it mean when asked if I would like my last years overpayment added onto this year's taxes? Would this cause my refund to decrease? in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
Should the total withholding amount on the Tax Withholding by Quarter section equal the sum of my W2's? If not, is was it determined? in Retirement tax questions
I enter stock transaction ST gains and losses as well as LT gains and losses. this data came directly from my Form 1099 B. Why does TT say "needs review"? no summation? in Investors & landlords
Return cannot be e-filed when the sum of Illinois wages + out of state wages on all W-2s does not equal total wages on IL Schedule CR. Part-Year Returns with Credit for Tax Paid to Other States (Schedule-CR) are ineligible for electronic filing. in State tax filing