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Providing your Employer Identification Number (EIN) from your W-2 allows us to identify the easiest way for you to enter your W-2 form (you also need it to e-file).
The best place to look is in Box b of your W-2 form, located right above or below your employer's name and address.
Your EIN will be a 9-digit number with a dash after the second digit (example: 00-0000000). Keep in mind, an EIN is not the same thing as an Employer’s State ID number or your Employee Number.
For more information on correcting your EIN, please see the TurboTax FAQ below:
For more information on your employer’s EIN not matching, please see below:
I am self employed and TurboTax keeps asking me for an EIN number. It’s not giving me any other option and won’t let me file electronically because of this.
To be sure that Turbo Tax has entered that you do not have an Employer Identification Number, in TurboTax Online:
You will need to have filed for an Employer Identification Number if:
- You pay employees in your business.
- You don't pay wages, but have excise tax forms or other returns to file that require an EIN.
- You are a sole proprietor or farmer and have a Keogh plan.
- You are required to withhold taxes on income, other than wages paid to a nonresident alien.
If you received a 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC, you may be prompted for the EIN on those forms. If your own business area is already checked No, please see those forms and be sure the EIN is entered.
I do not have an EIN number.
I am self employed, I do not own a business or do I pay employees, and I have checked No for my EIN number, but it still asks me for one at the very end of my process. Thus not allowing me to file, because I do not have an EIN number.
What can I do about this?
If you don't have an EIN, there is an opportunity to put in your Social Security Number if you are a Sole Proprietorship.
Right before I try to file online, it asks me for my EIN number (even though I do not have one nor do i qualify). I have already entered my SS but at the end it's still insisting on the EIN number being entered. I would like to file my taxes already, so how do I fix this?
Where you enter in your social security number, do you see a box where you would need to check Social Security Number or EIN? If this box isn't checked, this might be why it is still asking you for an EIN. If this does not resolve your issue, please respond back here in the thread.
there is no box next to social security for mark no for personal ein#
On the General Info screen within the Self-employment income screen, it should look like the screenshot below, "No EIN" selected.
yes, ok, mine said no, but turbo was still asking. i resolved another way. thanks!
I'm doing a 2017 tax return and We dont know the EIN number as the IRS only gives us the last 4 what do I do to get to the next step we have all the info the IRS has but it only the last four digets
don't have the 1099 or anything other than the IRS info and it only the last 4
You answer must be answered by an AI person who must have been programed by a Wok or DEI person Thans for the crappy answer
@LarryWubbena47 No one here has answered you. What answer did you get? What kind of 1099 are you trying to enter? There are over a dozen kinds. If you are entering self employment income you dont need an actual 1099. You don't need to get a 1099NEC or 1099Misc or 1099K. Even if you did you can enter all your income as Cash. Only the total goes to schedule C.
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