I'm stuck on Form 2210 Line D. "Line D Withholding must be entered" -- What is already entered is correct. It won't let me type anything else. Can't file if not fixed. in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
ESPP ETrade cost basis correction - different TT screens this year in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
Sch.B - Form 1116: Incorrect carryover amount for the 2021 tax year persists although the correct numbers are shown in the table during questionnaire. How to correct ? in Business & farm
How do you correct an entry when TurboTax has transferred the information from your Federal return to your State return? The Net Income amount is correct on my AR1050, P1 Line 23, but the ordinary business income P4, Line 1, shows a different amount. in Deductions & credits
Hi. I want to list my asset on form 4562. It is a vehicle under 6000 pounds that I purchased for my business. Turbotax isn't asking the correct questions in it's flow. in Deductions & credits