My mother had cropland and a home in an LLC, which transfered to me and my sister on her passing 50/50. She died in March. I am doing the 1065. My questions are
1. Do I put her in as a member/disregarded entity that left the LLC during the year.
2. Do I list the value of the cash in the business account and the values of the land/house as contributions made this year by my sister and I?
3. As this is the first 1065 done with this LLC (as she was the only owner in years past) do I make the date for the return for the whole year or from the time it went from a sole owner to a multiowner partnership?
4. Due to the value of the land I have to do a balance sheet. Since this is the first 1065 do I just leave the starting year column blank?
We will be selling the house so I need to make sure I get the cost basis correct so we don't run into tax issue. I am aware of the step up valuation so I did get an appraisal done.