How to deduct mortgage interest on a primary residence that became a rental partway through the year in Investors & landlords
Can I include my Texas state sponsored pension plan (deducted before tax), towards the Savers Credit? The contributions are also deducted from my Wages (box 1) on my W2. in Retirement tax questions
My retirement income deduction for South Carolina is only the standard deduction of $10,000, not including the $5,000 for being over 65. What do I need to update? in Retirement tax questions
Why aren't student loan interest, medical, and IRA contributions not included in itemized deduction? TurboTax says it's only counting property tax and mortgage interest. in Deductions & credits
My husband and I traveled (air fare and rental car) to run a fundraising event (no vacation included). Where can I include these in my deductions? in Investors & landlords