To enter an investment sale -
Click on Federal Taxes (Personal using Home and Business)
Click on Wages and Income (Personal Income using Home and Business)
Click on I'll choose what I work on (if shown)
Under Investment Income
On Stocks, Cryptocurrency, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Other, click the start or update button
Or enter investment sales in the Search box located in the upper right of the program screen. Click on Jump to investment sales
Using the online editions -
On the screen Did you have investment income in 2024? click on Yes
On the screen Let's import your tax info click on Enter a different way
On the screen OK, let's start with one investment type, select Other and Continue
On the screen Tell us more about this sale enter a Name and Continue
On the following screen select the type of investment sale on the dropdown What type of investment did you sell?
Using the desktop editions -
On the next screen click on Yes
On the next screen click on Skip import
On the next screen, select Other and continue