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Greatly sympathize with your situation. I am so irritated that I once again fell into TT inaccurate statements re availability of forms...having believed them at first now will delay my refund by at least 4 weeks. Had to file finally w/o the credit and will need to file an amended return claiming the 8911 credit to get the rest of the refund due me but cannot until the IRS actually processes my return. And now I see that what TT supposedly has offered up as the form is possibly not figuring location eligibility credit properly according to another poster. I figured that was likely to happen. I know I am eligible from having checked myself on the IRS website and geographic eligibility link. For the amended return I will just have to do it the old fashioned way via forms from the IRS website and hard copies mailed unless TT fixes this problem before then, which IMO who knows when that will be given their unfilled statements regarding the form availability etc.
Anyone with suggestions for more reliable tax software to consider next year? Thanks and good luck to all of you trying to properly claim this credit.
Sorry but I previously checked the IRS website and eligibility rules and it was updated several weeks ago with current form and eligibility location link, so IMO there is no excuse for TT seeming to keep moving the update for the form out into the future a week at a time for at least a month.
Interesting. Just checked the forms view. It says the 8911 is not done, and when I look at that form there is no eligibility mention or check box regarding GEOID even though it is entered on the form. So it looks like the update I got IS NOT the final one regarding this matter.
The IRS recently clarified changes to Form 8911 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit. TurboTax is planning to make updates around this by March 1, 2024.
Thanks for trying to address but LOL. IMO TT has no credibility at all anymore wrt estimated availability of updates. The IRS 8911 form and eligibility info have been out for weeks now. Once again, now TT has moved the date from 2/27-28/2024 to 3/1/2024. This is what, I think the fourth changed estimated availability date for the form since January? I am done with TT at least for this year. Glad I stopped delaying on filing figuring TT would just delay again. I filed w/o the credit and will have to wait for IRS to process my return so I can file an amended return to claim the EV charger credit getting the additional refund I am due. Thanks to TT I am getting the majority of my refund at least 4 weeks later than if I had not waited and just filed w/o the EV charger credit. Expect I will need to get the forms directly from IRS to file the amended return to claim the EV charger credit as IMO doubtful TT will get the update out in time so I am not counting on TT at all anymore.
If you do this and then file an amended return through TT at a later date is there an additional cost to do so?
So sorry but I really cannot answer for TT, I am not a professional tax preparer or a TT employee/contractor, so I don't know if TT would charge extra for efiling in case of an amended return nowadays.
It may depend upon what version of TT you purchased and how you file. When I did this in the past (a few times because of errors found later in forms supplied by financial institutions issuing corrected statements after I filed or when TT didn't have the one form I needed in time), the IRS in one case required the amended return to be filed by mail, I don't remember why, and in another couple of cases I was able to file the amended return via TT w/o additional charge but I had either Premier or Home/Business which allowed filing of multiple returns for the original cost at least back when these amended returns happened. And it could just be in the first case that the IRS didn't change procedures to allow efiling of amended returns until more recently.
In my case my taxes were completed except for the EV charger credit, so it is easy enough for me to just download the forms from the IRS website and file a short amended return if TT doesn't get the forms in time or charges extra for an amended return. The IRS doesn't charge for filing of a paper return--at least not yet LOL! But a paper return does take longer for a refund, and filing a return now w/o the credit will mean even if TT makes the form available tomorrow that you would still likely need to wait to file your amended return until the IRS actually processes your return (I would need to look this up again but in the past this is what the IRS advised but again that may be due to the days of mostly paper returns). So it really depends on your tax situation as to what is best to do--in my case, my refund is large due to circumstances unforeseen and the EV charger credit portion is small compared to the rest of the refund, so rather than wait months for a full refund, I chose to try to get most of my refund sooner. Just remember the longer it takes you to file, the IRS will start taking longer to process returns because of the backlog as more people file closer to the filing deadline. So filing as early as possible does usually get your refund faster in my experience, so long as your return is correct and doesn't have any significant issues. All this is assuming that you are due a refund separate from whatever credit you may be entitled to under the EV charger credit.
Good luck!
No, there is not an additional charge to amend your return that was originally filed using TurboTax.
It looks as if they did the update this past week as it now asks for the GEO data when inputting your data for the credit. However now I am getting a pink highlight on "total cost" and it says a new update will be released on 3/3. I have no idea what the change for total cost would be as it is just the sum of all the individual items listed in Part 1, before any adjustments for business use %, sec 179 etc. It actually calculates the credit correctly but it won't file the return with the error so I am forced to wait or pull the form as it is a very small % of my total refund. As with the others I can do an amended return down the road.
I've been advised that, although the form is generally ready, some calculations that are new for 2023 are still being worked on, and that the tentative day of release for Form 8911 is now February 28, 2024.
Thanks for the update and sorry you are caught up in this TT mess too along with lots of others.
Similar to you, this credit is a small part of my refund so I just finally gave up on TT empty promises for the form and filed w/o the credit and will do an amended return for the credit by paper if necessary if the IRS processes my original return before TT gets its forms in compliance...whenever that will be who knows given the many pushed out dates for form availability. Filing a paper amended return may actually be more timely and easier and less frustrating in some cases. Will also be researching other options for next year.
The 28th has come and still no update. Now it says 3/6. Looks like I'll pull the credit and file an amended return sometime in April.
So sorry to hear there are so many of us being jerked around by TT wrt the availability of this form requiring a number of us to do amended returns. At this rate will probably have to do amended returns via paper and not TT since they do not seem to be able to handle programming their sw for the form. I have already downloaded all the forms to do just that as soon as my return is processed.
Good luck.
I was able to file just now after installing an update. Hope this helps!
Day late and $177 short. Consistent with my inability to pick the fast lines at stores. I'll just do an amended after the refund comes in.
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