To add a boat as a noncash charitable donations to your return, please follow
these steps:
- Click on Federal
> Deductions & Credits
- In the Charitable
Donations section, click on the Start/Revisit box next
to Donations to Charity in 2016. [If you tracked your
donations in ItsDeductible click on the Start/Revisit box
next to Import from ItsDeductible Online.]
- If you
haven't entered any information yet on your donations, you will see a Donations
screen click the Yes box.
- If you've
already started entering information on charitable donations, you
will see a screen to Review All Your Charities. You can click
on the Edit box next to the charity name or Add Another Charity
to add a new donation.
- On the
screen, Let's enter your donations one at a time, enter the name
of the charity and click the Add box next to the type of
donation. In your case, Items.
- On the
next screen, How Do You Want to Value Your Donations:
- If
you haven't already calculated the value of your donations, TurboTax will
help, using values from Its Deductible. Click on the
Guide Me box.
- If
you've already put a value on your donations, click on the I'll Value
Them box.
7. On the screen, Choose a category for this donation, mark the radio button next to Car, boat or airplane.
8. Continue through the screens,
entering the requested information.
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