It’s always wonderful to donate to charitable causes. But did you know that the type of organization you donate to can actually make a difference on your taxes - and even whether or not you can actually deduct it?
For example, donating cash through a GoFundMe type of account or to a friend in need, is a generous and kind gesture. But that type of donation is typically not a tax deduction. Yet, if you donate to a qualified charitable organization, it can mean being part of a tax reduction strategy. Of course the reason to give isn’t to save taxes - but if you do it right, why not take the tax win too!
PRO TIP: Don’t ignore your charitable offerings of generosity at tax time. Even if you don’t benefit on the federal level, many states allow the deductions. Some states even provide dollar-for-dollar tax credits for cash donations to certain types of charitable organizations. It’s a true win-win for all!
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