When will Indiana Schedule IT-2210A (Annualized Income Schedule for the Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals) be available in TurboTax Deluxe 2024? We are now almost one month away from this year's tax filing deadline.
For Indiana state tax filers, TurboTax Deluxe should complete Schedule IT-2210A to determine if estimated quarterly taxes were correctly paid if the filer's income was not earned evenly throughout the year. Nowhere did TurboTax Deluxe give me the option to declare that my income was unevenly earned, and to then “annualize” my income. Line 20.a. on Indiana Form IT-40 provides the option to enter an “A” to indicate that the taxpayer elects to annualize, which should then automatically trigger use of Schedule IT-2210A. Instead, TurboTax Deluxe automatically prepares Schedule IT-2210 (to be used only when income is evenly earned).
When I look in the "Forms" view in TurboTax Deluxe, under "Indiana Individual" in the left-hand side panel, Schedule IT-2201A doesn't even exist. This needs to be corrected very soon.