Hi, I'm getting a message to check this entry IN-W: Column C Fed ID number must be entered. I have two W'2' as I live in Indiana and work in Chicago. Do I enter the employer EIN or the employers state id no? they are different. I'm confused.
4 weeks ago
last updated
February 16, 20258:09 PM
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You will enter the Employer's EIN which is the same as the Fed ID on your W-2. You can also go back to the federal section where you entered your W-2 and verify both entries. The Federal ID will be on the first entry page of the W-2 section; the Employer's State ID no will be on Box-15. See the images below for reference
Locate The income section and click on the Pen Icon
Click on Edit
This is where you will verify the Fed ID or Employer's EIN
Click continue and the State Employer ID no. will be on Box 15