You can report this tax in TurboTax for Desktop (any version) using Forms Mode (F6 or Forms>>Open Form...).
- Open K1 Partner under Federal, then click the QuickZoom button under Line 13 for "codes R and W to ZZ."
- When the K1P Addl Info form opens, scroll down to Box 13 Code WW to ZZ Line 5.
- Enter your state code (NC) in the small box and the amount to the right.
- Now open Form D-400 p1,2 under North Carolina and confirm the entry on Line 21.
The additional information for Box 13 Code ZZ is not available in TurboTax Online. See this article if you need to switch to desktop: How do I switch from TurboTax Online to the TurboTax software?
Also, contact TurboTax Support and request a free download due to the online program restrictions.
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