On your form 1099-R, Federal tax withheld is reported in box 4 - Federal income tax withheld.
When you enter form 1099-R in TurboTax, TurboTax will transfer the tax withheld to line 25 b of form 1040.
In TurboTax Online, you can check that line 25 b of your form 1040 is correctly filled by previewing your form 1040.
To preview your form 1040:
- Open your return
- In the left-hand column, locate Tax Tools, click on the drop-down arrow then click on Tools
- On the Tools Center page, click on View Tax Summary
- In the left-hand column, click on Preview my 1040
- Your form 1040 will display.
- Scroll down to line 25 b and you should see the amount of tax withheld from form 1099-R.
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