My wife published independently for several years through her own LLC. I usually file it as business income on a Schedule C.
She no longer writes, but is still paid royalties on past books through the LLC name.
Do I need to claim these royalties on a schedule C forever?
I have read of people saying you can use a schedule E if you are no longer writing, but I have also read the opposite saying if you were in a business at the time you wrote the books then it will always be a schedule C.
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No, not on a Schedule C. Since she is no longer writing, you will claim the royalties on a Schedule E.
This income goes on Schedule C as long as you are still working as a writer. If you receive royalties at a time when you are not a writer, perhaps in retirement, then these payments are reported on Schedule E.
See this article for further information: Tax Tips for Freelance Writers and Self-Published Authors
No, not on a Schedule C. Since she is no longer writing, you will claim the royalties on a Schedule E.
This income goes on Schedule C as long as you are still working as a writer. If you receive royalties at a time when you are not a writer, perhaps in retirement, then these payments are reported on Schedule E.
See this article for further information: Tax Tips for Freelance Writers and Self-Published Authors
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