If you enter an amount into the "Other Miscellaneous Expenses" section in TurboTax for your business, then you will see an amount in Other Expenses on Schedule C.
Examples of Miscellaneous Expenses are:
-Shipping and postage
-Books, magazines for business
-Credit card processing fees
-Printing costs
-Other memberships for business, not yet entered
- Answering services
- Bad debts (only if you use the accrual method)
- Bank service charges
- Bankruptcy filings
- Books, magazines, newspapers, subscriptions for business
- Conferences, conventions
- Continuing education expenses
- Credit and collections costs
- Credit card fees
- Dues to professional organizations
- Employment agency
- Gifts
- Memberships for business
- Outside services
- Pension plan administrative costs (not contributions)
- Printing and copies
- Prizes to customers and suppliers
- Publications and subscriptions to trade magazines
- Shipping and postage
- Small tools
- Startup costs ($5,000 maximum allowed)
- Tax return software (business portion)
- Uniforms and their maintenance
Do not include:
- Charitable contributions
- Political contributions