Has the broker's statement been imported from the financial institution into TurboTax?
IRS form 8949 Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets is a two page form. Part II is found on page 2 and reports long-term transactions.
Have the transactions on page 13/30 not been entered?
Have the transactions been reported as short-term (Part I) and not long-term (Part II)?
Have the transactions been reported as basis was reported to the IRS? If this is the case, IRS form 8949 states:
You may aggregate all long-term transactions reported on Form(s) 1099-B showing basis was reported to the IRS and for which no adjustments or codes are required. Enter the totals directly on Schedule D, line 8a; you aren’t required to report these transactions on Form 8949.
In TurboTax Online, you may print or view your full tax returns prior to filing after you have paid for the software.
- View the entries down the left side of the screen at Tax Tools.
- Select Print Center.
- Select Print, save or preview this year's return.
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