If the amount is doubled, it's somehow entered twice, so you want to find the duplicate entry and delete it. Here's how to fix this:
- Open your return in TurboTax.
- Select Deductions & Credits.
- On the left-side menu, select Tax Tools, then Tools.
- Select Delete a form, from the list in the pop-up window.
- Check the list for Form 1099-G (Untitled). If you see more than one 1099-G, select Delete to the right of the Untitled one. If both 1099-G forms look the same, delete the second one.
- Confirm your Delete, select Continue.
Next, check to see if this has solved the problem.
- Select Tax Tools from the left-side menu, then Tools.
- Select View Tax Summary in the pop up box.
- Select Preview my 1040 from the left-side menu.
- You will see the Form 1040 with Schedules 1, 2 and 3.
- When you are done, select Back from the left-side menu.
If this doesn't fix things for you, reply back with details of what you saw when you tried to do this.
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