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Refund deposit doesnt match refund on my return

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6 Replies
Level 15

Refund deposit doesnt match refund on my return

Did you elect to pay your TurboTax fees out of your refund? If so, then that's why. If not, then how much of a difference are we talking about here?

Refund deposit doesnt match refund on my return

Almost $1000

Refund deposit doesnt match refund on my return

$4325 was my refund amount. Only $3200 was put in my bank. I thought it was going to cost $100. PERIOD!  I DONT OWE CHILD SUPPORT...NOBODY ELSE TOOK MONEY ...I DIDNT OWE ANYBODY & I didn't receive a letter from anyone saying they did. I want to know why.
Level 15

Refund deposit doesnt match refund on my return

You won't find out why by ranting and/or asking here. What happens with your refund is between you and the IRS. The IRS will not share that information with anyone but you.
Generally, when this happens you can expect to receive a letter from the IRS in about 3-4 weeks explaining it. Usually it's because they changed something on your tax return. (Such as income you forgot to report). The letter will tell you what they changed and why they changed it. It will also include specific instructions on what you are to do if you dispute those changes. Those instructions generally have a deadline too. So if you do dispute any changes the IRS made and do not respond with your dispute by the deadline specified in the letter, then there's nothing further you can do. You just lose, unfortunately.
There's also the possibility of an offset against your refund. That offset may or may not be valid too. But you can check for that by calling the Treasury Offset Program number to see. That number is 800-304-3107   Information about this program can be found at <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc203">https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc203</a>
Intuit Alumni

Refund deposit doesnt match refund on my return

If your tax refund is lower than TurboTax quoted, it may be caused by a refund offset. This is when the government applies part or all of a taxpayer's refund towards the taxpayer's past-due income tax, child or spousal support, student loans, or state unemployment compensation debts. Also, if you pay state taxes, make sure you did not add together your state and federal refunds.  They will be deposited separately.

Please see the TurboTax FAQ, listed below, to learn about refund offsets. 


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Refund deposit doesnt match refund on my return

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