Sorry but that is a terrible plan. The other person's bank is likely to refuse the deposit and send it back. Then will either go back to the third party "refund processing" bank or back to the IRS and you will wait for weeks or longer for a check to be issued and mailed to the address on your tax return. If you do not have a bank account of your own, it would be better for you to choose to have a check mailed to you when you are in the FILE section of TT.
Banking information for direct deposit is wrong or closed
If you entered incorrect banking information for your refund, you can change it if your return is rejected. If it is accepted, however, it is too late to change it. The bank will reject the refund and send it back to the IRS. Then the IRS will issue a paper check and mail it to the address you put on your tax return. Expect a delay of at least a couple of weeks to receive your refund.
Here is what the IRS says about entering incorrect banking information
If your refund is sent back to the IRS—- make certain that the address you entered on your Form 1040 is correct. And…open all mail, even if it looks like junk mail.
**Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to offer the most correct information possible. The poster disclaims any legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information that is contained in this post.**