Alabama DOR says it can take 8-12 weeks for an Alabama state refund. However, we can tell you some things to check.
If you efiled the Alabama and Colorado state returns, use the tool below to be sure that both state returns were successfully efiled and accepted:
If that confirms it was accepted, or if you mailed the state return,
then the link below tells you how to check the status of an Alabama
state refund.
NOTE: You can check the status of an
Alabama refund without logging in there as long as you
know the expected refund amount and have your Social Security number.
So you do NOT have to establish a username and password there. Instead
at the site, click the "Where's My Refund" link.
For Colorado:
See this FAQ on how to check your Colorado state refund, and a notice about possible delays up to 60 days longer than previous years due to fraud prevention measures.
NOTE: When you get to the CO site, there is no need to log in there. Use the "Where's My Refund" link instead.