Sorry not online. You can only buy the download for prior years. You need a full Windows or Mac computer to install it on. Buy the download here You have to print and mail prior year returns. When you mail a tax return, you need to attach any documents showing tax withheld, such as your W-2’s or any 1099’s. Use a mailing service that will track it, such as UPS or certified mail so you will know the IRS received the return. Don’t forget state.
If you are getting a refund, there is not a penalty for filing past the deadline. You have 3 years to file for a refund. If you owe taxes, the interest/penalties will be calculated by the IRS based on how much you owe and when they receive your return and payment. The IRS will bill you for this; it will not be calculated by TurboTax.
How to file a prior year Or If you have a simple return You can fill out the blank forms for free.
Here are some blank forms & instructions for 2017
1040 Instructions 1040A Instructions 1040EZ Instructions 2017 Tax Tables Publication 17 Tax Guide for 2017