When you get to the point just before efiling your returns, you have two options to pay the efile fee. One is with a credit card. You click on that box and it takes you to a different provider which asks you to confirm your payment information and has 3 screens to look at. After you do this, you are returned to turbotax to transmit your returns. I've been doing this almost 40 years.
Since I bought a new samsung laptop in November 2023, I AM UNABLE TO GET PAST THE FIRST OF THE 3 SCREENS mentioned above so I must have my efile fee, and an additional $40 fee, deducted from my refund to pay the efile fee for 2023 and 2024. However, I processed a test tax return up to this point on an HP laptop we have and stopping before filing and it worked! They both run on the same antivirus software. So the samsung laptop must be the problem. Anyone else have something like this happen to them?