To enter a 1099-MISC in TurboTax:
- Open or continue your return, if you're not already in it.
- Search for 1099-misc and then select the "Jump-to" link or "Go to" button at the top of your search results.
- Answer Yes to Did you get a 1099-MISC?
- If you already entered a 1099-MISC, you'll be on the 1099-MISC Summary screen, in which case select Add Another 1099-MISC.
- Or, if you need to edit or delete a previously-entered 1099-MISC, select the appropriate button.
- Enter the info from your form into the corresponding boxes.
- If you need to enter boxes 4–6 or 8–18, check My form has other info in boxes 1–18 to expand the form.
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