I am part of a couple. My spouse and I lived in NYC until 6/30. From 7/1-12/31 he has worked and lived in South Carolina for his PHD Internship. He has unique W2s from NYC (first half) and Souther Carolina (7/1-12/31).
I was trying to file jointly by doing 1 federal return, 1 NYS return and 1 South Carolina State return. TurboTax first suggested we do "Resident OR part year resident filing as resident" - this resulted in my estimated tax bill going up to $6500 - it was clearly wrong and thought that my income from New York counted towards SC, when it was only my spouse who lived there. I fixed this by changing it to "non-resident OR part year resident filing as non-resident" which seemed to fix that issue and properly attributed only my spouse's income to SC. But before Filing I checked out the PDF of the SC State Return and it listed both me AND my spouse living in SC for the second half of 2024, even though it was only my spouse, so I held off on filing.
Would it be better to file separate state taxes even if filing jointly for federal? That would mean doing 1 NYS state return for me for all of 2024, and doing a NYS return for my spouse for the first half of the year and a SC State return for the second half. Is that allowed?
I also found this which seems very tedious, is that what I should do? https://ttlc.intuit.com/turbotax-support/en-us/help-article/small-business-processes/pre[product key...