My daughter (claimed as dependent on my tax return) received 1098T from her college with two errors - 1) Box 1 and Box 5 amounts do not match the amounts in account statements generated by the college and 2) Box 5 is greater than Box 1 indicating income which is false. The accounting statements show that the total charges were $1850 and total sponsorship was $1850 for the year. Both are equal and hence no income. However, for 1098T, Box 1 shows $2000 and Box 5 is $2200. The college is refusing to even acknowledge the mistake, let alone correct it. Given both amounts are greater than actual charges and actual scholarship, it cannot be because of certain charges do not count. This error will force me to report income for my daughter, and hence she will have to file her own return when she did not have any income. How do I handle this situation?