If you need to pay your estimated taxes, you can do that directly to the IRS at http://www.irs.gov/payments
If you need to calculate your estimated payment requirement, you can do so following the directions below:
You can calculate your 2019 estimated taxes and generate the payment vouchers by doing this:
- With your tax return open (after you login), search for 1040-es (be sure to include the dash) and select the “Jump to” link.
- Answer No to the question Do you want to change your W-4 withholdings for 2019?
- On the next screen, Review Your Estimates, select Review Now. Answer the questions about things like your 2019 filing status, income, and deductions.
- Eventually, you'll come to the Print Vouchers? screen. Answer Yes and we'll include your 2019 1040-ES payment vouchers when you print a copy of your return later.