Yes, you will report it. If the total paid to you for this for the year was under $600, the payor is not required to issue you a 1099-MISC. But you're still required to report it. However, if this is not something you do every year, and if you don't plan to do it next year, you need to BE CAREFUL how you enter it, so that the program does not treat it as self-employment income and force you to upgrade to the more expensive TurboTax Self-Employed version. IF the above is true for you, here's how to report it, since you don't have a 1099-MISC.
Under the Personal Income tab scroll down to the very bottom and select Miscellaneous Income.
select Other Income not already reported on a form W-2 or form 1099
Select YES, and continue.
Leave household employee screen blank, and continue.
Leave sick or disability pay blank, and continue.
For Any Other earned income, select YES and continue.
Select Other and continue.
Enter the name of the person or entity that paid you or the reason you were paid this money, and the amount they paid you, and click DONE.
Scroll down and click the Continue button, and that does it.