Did you live and work in different states?
- A resident taxpayer who receives income for personal services performed in another state must report the full amount of such income on the Oklahoma return (Form 511). If another state taxes this income, the resident may qualify for this credit.
- A part-year resident who receives income from personal services performed in another state while an Oklahoma resident must report the full amount of such income in the “Oklahoma Amount” column of Form 511NR. If another state taxes this income, the part-year resident may qualify for this credit
Form 511-TX Credit for Tax Paid to Another State
If that doesn't apply to you, delete the form:
To delete the form in TurboTax online:
- In the left menu, select Tax Tools and then Tools.
- In the pop-up window Tool Center, choose Delete a form.
- Select Delete next to the form,
In TurboTax Desktop
- Open or continue your return.
- Switch to Forms Mode by selecting the Forms icon.
- From the menu, select the form you want to remove.
- After the form is generated in the right pane, select the Delete Form button.
- Follow any onscreen instructions to remove the form or forms.
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