Sorry you can't efile 2021 through Turbo Tax. You have to print and mail it. Do you need to prepare 2021?
To do a prior year return you have to buy the Desktop program here,
You will need a full Windows or Mac to install it on.
You might need to go to a local tax place or if you have a simple return and want to file for free you can fill out the forms by hand. Here are some basic forms…..
Here is the IRS 2021 Form 1040
or if you want bigger type use 1040SR for Seniors,
And 2021 Instructions
2021 Tax and EIC Tables
Sch 1 :
Sch 2 :
Sch 3 :
You have to print and mail prior year returns. When you mail a tax return, you need to attach any documents showing tax withheld, such as your W-2’s or any 1099’s. Use a mailing service that will track it, such as UPS or certified mail so you will know the IRS received the return. Don’t forget state.