Long story short, I sold several batches of ISOs in 2024. Most of these were qualifying dispositions, which TurboTax Deluxe Online handles without any problem. However, I have one batch of ISOs which are considered a disqualifying disposition. For some reason, my employer did not include this batch on my W-2. Therefore, I have adjusted my 1099-B cost basis by the bargain element amount.
Based on my interpretation of the IRS guidelines, I also need to then report the bargain element as compensation income on Schedule 1 Line 8k. No matter what I do in TurboTax, I cannot get this value to flow to Schedule 1 Line 8k on my tax return. Since there is no way to override forms on the online version of TurboTax, I'm basically stuck.
Is this a bug in TurboTax? Shouldn't TurboTax be adding the compensation portion of a disqualifying ISO disposition to Schedule 1 Line 8k? Is there any way to manually do this in the online version?