@daramichelle95 STOP!
Go back and delete every W-2 for any year except 2024.
The Online software can ONLY be used for your 2024 taxes right now.....and no other year.
For past years (2023 and earlier), you would have to buy download and install each year's "desktop" software on a full MAC or Windows computer (no phones, no ipads, no chromebooks). Each software package is separate for each year......and those past years would have to be printed and mailed in. TTX only provides prior year desktop software for 2021, 2022, and 2023. SO for 2020 you would have to either go to a local pro tax preparer (probably not a seasonal pop-up either), or use the PDF forms form the IRS website to prepare manually yourself.
Prior year desktop software to buy from TTX can be found here:
____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*