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I had inadvertently selected yes to the question on whether the 401k distribution was used for disaster relief and have now gone back, changed answer to yes and saved the return. However, Turbox is still including the form. I have also tried to manually delete it but it keeps getting included as an error in my review. What should I do?
To confirm, the 401(k) distribution wasn't disaster-related and you are trying to delete Form 8915-F from your return.
You will need to delete the "Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Distribution and Repayment Worksheet" (8915E wks) to delete Form 8915-F.
In TurboTax Desktop:
In TurboTax Online:
The recommendation from @DanaB27 for me to delete the form 8915F is not working for me because I have only the 8915C, D and F (S&T) forms showing for me and my spouse. I have tried to change the answer on my 401k distribution form to "no" but answer is not saving and I have tried to delete the forms directly but they don't delete.
Anyone know how I would correct this so I can file the return?
Thanks again
@ghbergen The Form 8915F-T indicates the form is for the taxpayer and the Form 8915F-S indicates it is for the spouse. Both forms are an 8915-F.
The instructions I received was to deleted the forms 8915E, not F and when I try to delete the 8915F forms, they don't delete, even though I have changed the answer on the 1099 forms to state that I did not do the disbursement to cover an emergency. Anwers on the 1099 don't seem to save and the deleted 8915F forms don't delete.
It appeared from some posts last year that TurboTax won't let me file with this error still present. Is that correct for this year or can I potentially ignore the error and file since it seems to not have any potential impact to my taxes since I am above the age allowing withdrawals from my 402ks without penalty
Is there any update on my question from yesterday? My issue is that I mistakenly replied "yes" to the question on whether my 2 401k disbursements were for disaster relief. I have tried changing my response on the form but the answer will not save. I have tried deleting the 8915F forms but they will not delete. Previous instructions were that I delete the 8915E worksheet form but I don't have one. I am using the PC based Home and Business Version.
Remainder of the return is complete but I am unable to file with this error outstanding. I see many people with this issue but don't see a remediation. I am wondering if the best way to correct this issue is to completely delete the two 1099R forms from the return and re-enter them from scratch.
Please be aware you need to delete the worksheet 8915E to be able to delete Form 8915-F, but you are saying you don't show the 8915E (Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Distribution and Repayment Worksheet)?
It would be helpful to have a TurboTax ".tax2022" file that is experiencing this issue. You can send us a “diagnostic” file that has your “numbers” but not your personal information. If you would like to do this, here are the instructions for TurboTax Online:
The instructions for TurboTax Download:
We will then be able to see exactly what you are seeing and we can determine what exactly is going on in your return and provide you with a resolution.
Diagnostic file sent and awaiting your reply. I am using the Downloaded version of Home and Business.
Token number is 1122836
Thank you, I reviewed your token. You have the 8915E-T Wks listed when you go into Forms Mode, you will need to delete it. This will remove Form 8915-F from your return. Please see the attached pictures.
This was not sufficient for me using the CD from Costco. I also had to delete both 8915-F forms after going back & checking No in Income. Go to the top right menu on the screen. Click on Forms. Scroll down to 8915-F. It will be easy to spot because it has an alert "Needs review" or something like that, next to it. Bottom of the form window, click Delete. Then delete the other 8915-F that was next to it, above or below. For me, it jumped right back to Review like it was as glad to be rid of that hurdle as I was. Good luck!
Unfortunately, this still didn't remove the error that I'm seeing. I had initially added the disaster relief since it was Covid related, but didn't realize that only applied to 2020. I tried to remove the selection. Even deleted and re-entered the retirement distribution. It's still saying I can't move forward without Form 8915F-S. "You indicated there were retirement distributions received in 2022 related to a disaster that occurred in 2021 or 2022. It requires Part I of Form 8915-F which has not been finalized yet..." How do I get this error to delete out? TYIA!
All you have to do to fix this is go into the Forms section and into Delete Forms. Look for the Disaster Relief form and delete it. Once that is removed, it will remove the 8915F-S and will remove the error. Hope this helps! Just spent an hour with Dyahnna and she was relentless in helping me fix this! Thank you!!!
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