i filed the taxes 3 times because it kept going back to the same screen, both state and federal. they sent me notice 4 times that they got it.i” what should i do? in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
Why can I get real answers on my delayed tax return. No one has been able to give me answers. I never had this issue of having to verify my identity. I feel so lost. in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
Why Did My State Tax Refund Drop to $0 Due While the Federal Refund Stayed the Same? in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
I only received from federal of $133 dollars and my federal return of $212 I am missing $79 dollars of my return? in After you file
Premier 2024 Win Desktop: the California state review has a 6 page infinite loop: analysis indicates return incomplete but no errors. in Get your taxes done using TurboTax