The 1099-B is sometimes issued for CDs purchased thru a Brokerage, and not directly at your own bank.
I purchased a few that way thru the years, and always received (and entered) the 1099-B as a part of my tax return's data.
I seem to recall, that if the brokerage-purchased CD was for 1 year or less, they didn't issue a 1099-B at maturity...but if it was for more than a year, they did. That 1 year maturity seemed to be the decision point...at least for Fidelity. Of course, whoever dealt with the purchase of your CD, they may have a different SOP on issuing the 1099-B.
Yep, my paper/PDF Fidelity brokerage "Consolidated" 1099-B has a 1099-MISC in it, with all zero's. No, there is nothing to enter for that, and when I imported my tax forms directly into the software form Fidelity, that import didn't have the 1099-MISC in it either.
____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*