Perhaps Form 8889-T was generated inadvertently--try deleting it from your return.
delete the Form 8889-T (or any form) from your return, please follow these
- While in your return, click My
Account (in the blue bar at the top of the screen). (See
Screenshot #1 below.)
- Click on Tools.
- Under "Other helpful
links" click on Delete a form. (Screenshot #2)
- Click Delete next to the form and follow the onscreen instructions. (Screenshot #3)
- Once you have finished deleting
the desired form(s) click the Continue with My Return box (in the
lower right of your screen).
Desktop (Windows)
- Go into Forms Mode by
clicking on the Forms icon in the top right of the blue bar. (Screenshot
In the Forms in My Return
list on the left, double-click on Form 8889-T to open it.
- Click on the Delete Form
box at the bottom of the screen.
- To return to the interview, click
on the Step-By-Step icon in the top right of the blue bar.
Desktop (Mac)
- To switch to Forms Mode,
open your return, and then click the Forms icon in the
upper left corner of your screen (or choose Go to Forms from the View
menu at top).
- The Federal Information
Worksheet will display and all the forms in your return will be
listed on the left side.
- Select the form you want to clicking on it.
- After the form is generated in the
right pane, click the Delete Form button at the bottom of the window.
- Follow any on-screen instructions
to remove the form or forms.
- To switch back to the interview,
click the EasyStep icon in the upper left corner, or choose Go
to EasyStep from the View menu.
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