First, make sure you have completed the rest of your return. The energy credit is non-refundable, so if you don't have enough income tax being computed, the credit could be limited, and carried forward.
Next, let's revisit the entry, and make sure the expenses are listed in the correct place, because some other energy-efficient improvements have lower credits available.
1. Upon opening TurboTax, choose Deductions & Credits
2. Locate Your Home
3. Start/Revisit Home Energy Credits
4. On the Energy Efficient Home Improvements screen, select Yes then Continue.
5. Answer the next few questions until you get to Did you have any of these residential clean energy costs in 2024? Solar electric property is listed here. Select Yes and continue.
6. Make sure you enter the total cost and answer the questions about ownership and location of the home.
See this article for a summary of the amounts available: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit (EEHIC)