If they are small hand tools, you don't have to depreciate them. Simply add them together and include in the supply section. (Instructions below).
If they are more substantial,
you should depreciate them by saying "Yes" to the "Did you buy or own any items for use on your job?" question.
Here's how to get back to job-related expenses are reported
on Form 2106 (Employee Business Expenses).
Open (continue) your return in TurboTax.
(To do this, sign in to TurboTax and click the orange Take me to my
return button.)
In the search box, search for 2106 and
then click the "Jump to" link in the search results.
At the Tell us about the occupation you
have expenses for screen, enter your occupation.
Click Continue and follow the
onscreen instructions.
If you land on
the Job-Related Expenses Summary screen instead, you can
either Edit expenses for an existing job or click Add
Another Occupation to enter expenses for a new one.