No, you would not be able to file a form with your 2024 tax return to claim a credit for an EV purchased in 2022.
The EV credit rules and qualifications have changed a lot through the years and you would need to determine if your purchase in 2022 would have qualified for the tax credit on your 2022 tax return. If it would qualify, then you would need to amend your 2022 tax return to claim the credit.
Based on the information from the IRS about which manufacturers qualified in 2022, Tesla appears to have phased out completely that year. The credit was based on the number of vehicles manufactured at that time.
Take a look at the following information from the IRS to determine if your Tesla purchase would have qualified for the credit:
Credits for new electric vehicles purchased in 2022 or before
Manufacturers and models for new qualified clean vehicles purchased in 2022 and before
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