How do you edit form 4797 - It is not allowing me to edit "Sale of Business Property"? in Deductions & credits
For California, if you have 2 home offices, for the 2nd one, do you have to select "Real estate taxes entered here were already entered on another home office"? in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
If my rental's business use percentage goes from 100% to 50% on 8/1/2024, then how can I adjust my rental asset's depreciation for this? in Investors & landlords
Turbotax says I have a $141k gain on my rental property sale even though I sold it at a huge loss in Investors & landlords
Deduction, standard vs. itemizing? TT is telling me to take Standard. I always itemize. the refund is the same. For continuity, I run my own rental property. which one? in Investors & landlords