They may not have the same benefits as an active-duty member, but I did find this.
Movement and Storage of Household Goods (HHG)
Household goods transportation and storage are authorized in order to move items associated with the home as well as personal effects that belong to the employee and dependents from the old to the new duty station.
You may have the items moved for you at the government’s expense through the Transportation Office (TO) or move your household goods at your own expense and request reimbursement. *This is not the same reimbursement as a Military DITY/PPM.* When you move your own HHG, you will be reimbursed for transportation and storage expenses not to exceed the government cost utilizing the transportation office.
I found this in Defense Finance and Accounting Service. It includes a lot about the entitlements and tax consequence.
Do you need more information about this entitlement? Click below to review the information. The link is a searchable PDF, scroll to the section you are interested in, then click on the blue link to be taken directly to the page. Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Chapter 5, Part F, Section 0541A
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